Vacuum circuit breakers and vacuum contactors are similar in concept to air circuit breakers and contactors, but their arc-extinguishing units are enclosed in a vacuum environment. This design improves environmental adaptability and provides superior insulation and arc-extinguishing performance, leading to widespread adoption.
A vacuum circuit breaker (VCB) is a protective device designed to automatically or manually disconnect a circuit under fault conditions.
A vacuum contactor is designed for repeated operations and can interrupt load currents but does not provide short-circuit protection.
Feature | Vacuum Circuit Breaker | Vacuum Contactor |
Primary Function | Protection from overloads, short circuits, control and interlock actions. | Repeated switching of load currents. |
Short-Circuit Protection | Yes | No |
Applications | High-voltage systems (110kV and above). | Medium-voltage applications with frequent operations. |
Both devices employ vacuum as the medium for arc extinguishing, offering:
Enhanced Environmental Adaptability:
Superior performance in challenging environments compared to air-insulated counterparts.
Improved Insulation and Arc-Extinguishing:
Vacuum's excellent dielectric properties and efficient arc-extinguishing capabilities make it a preferred choice in many applications.
Specialized Applications:
Vacuum circuit breakers are favored for their comprehensive protection, while vacuum contactors excel in scenarios requiring frequent mechanical operations without the need for short-circuit protection.